Friday, 27 March 2015


     Today in this era of technology, the age of modernism, the era of T Rps when the whole world is in your palm, from one click the scenario of the world changes. The little information either personnel or professional can be spread in milliseconds. As the world grows ,with the progression of science the so called ‘privacy setting’ of our life have come under public sector ,even a prep student has a social sector or come under the charisma of social networking. From toddler till the age described by Shakespeare we all mesmerize by the fascinating gadgets around us.
It gives us a platform to explore different sections of the world within no time and cost. But, then, a question strikes that why technology behaves as a disaster. The progress of science is beneficial for the sake of humanity but excessive use of anything leads to disaster .from remote of television to palm top unnecessary use of appliances deteriorate our lives results in the destruction of youth and society.
Technology amuses us in three ways. Psychologically it changes our mood from depression to cheerfulness. As the mood changes we behave nicely and it makes us physically powerful and spiritually our trust on our creator increases day by day. In the similar manner it affects our mental health badly if we excessively use it. For example if we stuck to T.V., computer or even our smart phone from dawn to dusk it affects our brain capacity to absorb more information  ultimately we lack concentration which has negative impact on our schedualized life resulting in lack of self confidence ,concentration and state of well being. More over we physically become lazy having problems like fatigue ,insomnia ,depression ,tension ,mood swings badly influence our spiritual health when we sleep late at night then how we wake up early in the morning. We all know the famous nursery rhythm  
In the above mentioned paragraph even the good use of these machinery affects  our body so much then think twice even thrice its abusive use how poorly affects our body not only ethically ruins our lives but scientifically it changes our physiology and morphology and the whole society suffers.
To minimize the loss it is the duty of every parent to know what their children’s daily activity is but not in the way that roan around their 24/7. Just a strict eye of observance is enough to notice them. Secondly  do not preach your child those things whom you yourself not portray .parents are the first teacher of their child .they should display those norms that not only benefit you in this world but also in here after especially mothers’ their utmost responsibility is to invest their life to make their child an asset to the society.
The others which influence the young generation mostly is media both print and electronic .as they say no to corruption and crime then when they write or display any material think again and again before launching. Its agreeable that the stuff is for the awareness of society ,the person portraying that character are not me or not even of my family ,it’s a fictional character but think if it is me? Of my family?? Then the feeling drastically change we feel that unbearable pain that victim’s bear, his/her family suffers. The whole life changes from head to toe what we not even think!!!!As we are in the time when we write for money and display it for money. As we look t our youth technology world has destroyed them to the core. It amuses them psychologically and physically divert them from the bitter reality of life.
When the youth of country indulge in smart tabs for 24/7, they lack to compete with the growing competition in the world mentally and physically resulting in a backward society. Most importantly the so-called media think twice before writing and displaying about any incident. To enlighten the society with a certain crime is essential but they should remember their limits. Furthermore shows involving mature content should not be aired on prime time as it is a family time and it will negatively affect the children mind.

It’s not only the duty of parents’ and media but its duty of each and every member of society like teachers, friends, relatives, neighbors etc to stop misdeed of our young generation and if they think that efforts of one person cannot change the society then they also are the part of that crime intentionally or unintentionally because the destruction of youth is the destruction of the county.
                                                                                                                                               AFFAF SHEIKH 


Saturday, 21 March 2015


Since our childhood ... Not exactly!  Our parents’ childhood... Nah!!!! Our grandparents or great grandparents all narrated that we got our independence on the basis of Two -  Nation Theory given by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (the PIONEER ) first used the word TWO-NATION for Hindus and Muslims. This concept was the baseline of PAKISTAN RESOLUTION and foreigners in the sub-continent accepted the demand of separate homeland of Muslims of Sub-continent in this resolution in 1940 and after so many struggles PAKISTAN added as a separate entity on WORLD MAP on august 14, 1947. The ideology of Pakistan based on the establishment of an ideal state to propagate Islam and Islamic teaching and set an example for the world. JOHN S.C. ABBOT rightly said that “WAR IS THE SCIENCE OF DESTRUCTION “   but we can only win any war with unity and devotion.
In 2015, the era of technology we are on the highest peak in the race of modernism and inventions with the decline in the feelings of equality, fraternity and patriotism. The modern era of TWO-NATION THEORY now begins in home, society, relations and religion. The concept of ideology is same as in the past but the basis are now transformed into  Sectarianism, cast, racial killing and pride of being  Muslim by birth. The victims and fighters are of same origin. We are not fighting this battle on the issue of two separate cultural and spiritual values but are fighting for our own satisfaction .the norms and followers we believe are the best and all others are devils in disguise so we neither feel their pain nor their injury by being hurt from same species. We are only playing the blame game and are even earning profits on the death of our fellows (terrible!!!!).This war is based on the phrase “survival of the fittest “  originated in evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection is more commonly used today in other contexts as more you have power ,the more you survive in this modern civilization.
                          THERE IS NEVER A GOOD WAR OR A BAD PEACE.

                                                                                                                     AFFAF SHEIKH
