From the arrival of summer we mostly talked about heat
stroke ,sun stoke and dehydration etc and due to the holy month of Muslims (Ramadan
) we mostly suffer a lot whoever know something about heat stroke or having
some remedy to reduce heat stroke they share it with others like
· move person to cool places,
cold water sponge,
shower with tap water,
water mixed with honey ,
place piece of onion under armpits etc.
The main reason of this is heat exhaustion which is also
called heat syncope.It is a collapse with or without loss of consciousness suffered in condition of heat and high humidity.largely resulting from loss of fluid and salt by sweating if the surrounding air becomes saturated heat stroke will heat stroke is a final stage in heat exhaustion,when body is unable to lose heat,hyperpyrexia occur which may result in death.
We all know much about heat stroke but can we guess who the victims are?the one who engage in so much activity consume much water (teenagers) or the one with the passage of time unable to consume much water due to different diseases (old age) but i think all those suffer from this deadly heat stroke emergency who are dehydrated when the fluid intake fails to replace the fluid loss.beside heat stroke dehydrated person suffer from number of diseases and deficiencies as water is an essential nutrient of body because it is required in amount that exceed the body's ability to produce it .
Here are some symptoms which are alarming sign of dehydration with their remedies to cope it.
- Dehydrated person easily tired up with strenuous exercises even with the little work like walking in house causing restless breathing and if we drink water immediately then it goes to respiratory tract and it becomes very lethal (remedy is first sit at comfortable place and when breathing is normal then drink water gradually sip by sip).
- Dehydrated person mostly suffer from chronic constipation because when body gets dehydrated it uses the water mix with food product present in intestine resulting in painful constipation(remedy drink 2 glass of water in early morning as a bed tea gradually decreases constipation ).
- Dehydration makes the problems like hypertension ,high cholesterol,kidney diseases or diabetic more worse because the person suffer any of these disease have more urge for urination then normal so need to consume more water then normal(remedy take these medicine with plenty of water or always drink water after every urine pass).
- Some dehydrated person suffer from severe headache which resembles migraine but it is due to dehydration as brain cell is made up of 80% of water so in less water intake they get shrink causing stiffness and tightness of neck and forehead(remedy is when you feel headache drink some water sometime it subsided with it and you should avoid frequent use of painkillers by this remedy).
- Dehydration can also increase weight because deficient body cell also deficient in energy so they eat much more than normal but they do not need food they need water by this wrong selection they gain weight(remedy for smart body and glowing skin drink as much water as you can also drink oral re -hydrating solution at least one bottle in 24 hours which balances your electrolyte imbalance).
- Some people suffer from joint pain due to dehydration (drinking water at the time of pain decreases the pain).
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