One day while watching a morning show the question or answer a caller give to the host pinpoint me the real cause of distress in our the caller said that the developing countries when they lost anyone when the specie completely extinct from the society then they gathered and celebrate a day for that specie like grand parents',mothers',fathers' ,valentine's day and many more .the under developed countries like us as they are master of copying anything like fashion ,style,traditions etc without knowing the history of the day they celebrated, they only know that it comes from the developed countries so without any hesitation they copy that tradition and paste on their lives ,what ever it cost (their lives,their relationships etc) they pay of and celebrate it with full enthusiasm and make it obligatory part of their lives and urge other people to gain pleasure from these worldly the time passes and as we saw where our society stand a day is near when we celebrate a day of life with no sorrows ,hatred ,enviousness and call it a "DAY OF HAPPY LIFE. "
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